My Birthday!
Happy birthday to me!! As much as I hate to admit it, this year was my big Dirty 30 and it came in with a bang! Starting my nail career, a small business, buying a home, having our daughter in the school play, the addition of two beautiful German Shepherds and planning a fall backyard wedding has all been so exciting! What a great way to end my 20s? Thank you to everyone for making me feel so special with your messages and posts!
An extra special thanks to my wonderful fiancée and daughter for always making me so proud and thankful, who took me on a surprise trip to one of the most incredible places I have been in a good minute: The Griffith Observatory!

Seeing their Centered In The Universe planetarium show brought back the same memories I had as a kid when, believe it or not, I wanted to design space stations! I also got to take a moment to see the Leonard Nimoy Event Horizon Theater to pay homage to an actor whose brilliant work definitely impacted my love of all things interstellar.
As for the sweets and treats that were had, my lovely family (who knows me all to well) got me my favorite Red Velvet cake, pastries that I’m literally doing everything in my power not to gorge on, a replica Star Trek Bluetooth Communicator, and two of the cutest Mr. Potato Head/Star Wars figures with Darth Vader and Chewbacca accessories! I know, minor nerd alert. I’ve got a bit of a problem. My wonderful fiancée also got something very special that will even have its own follow up blog post soon: a 23&me DNA testing kit. Cannot wait to see what comes out of that!

Well I hope you all had a wonderful week. I know mine was full of amazing things, incredible sweets, and a few very exciting ideas to look forward to. Stay tuned to see what my birthday nails and my birthday weekend looked like!